Born and raised in Albany, Georgia, Crystal Webb now resides in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where she owns Bulldog Defense. Bulldog Defense is the result of many violent episodes that Crystal endured in her personal life, and her desire to make a difference in the life of others. After having been the victim of several hate crimes (one wherein a person was killed) , and the victim of a botched car burglary, Crystal decided that there must be a better way for the average person to protect themselves.
Crystal has made it her life's mission to make certain that people are both informed and prepared to deal with any situation that may arise that could result in them being injured. She is determined to impart self awareness on every person whom she encounters.
"Everybody has this mentality that, 'it's not going to happen to me' or 'I'm in a nice neighborhood'. Those days are gone," emphasized Webb during an interview with WMBF News. "Everybody needs to realize that no matter what type of area you live in or where you're at, this can happen."
Webb understands first hand that any traumatic crime leaves victims with scars below and above the surface.
"Anytime I look in the mirror, I see a scar where I took 19 stitches in my forehead and this guy was never arrested. Total stranger," recalls Webb.
While Crystal acknowledges that there is no way to be 100% safe at all times, there is a always a way to be better prepared, and that is what she hopes to offer those who take her seminars and purchase her products.
“Everyone may not be able to afford a Taser®, but they should be able to afford a stun gun,” says Crystal with regard to her extensive online retail catalog. The Stun Masters® available on the site range in price from $22.00 - $64.95, and will put out enough voltage to allow the potential victim time to get a head start in the opposite direction. The site also offers a line of Mace®, Personal Alarms, Security Cameras and Tasers®.

Bulldog Defense
P.O. Box 2616
Myrtle Beach, SC 29578
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